IFST launched 2021 Midyear webinar series with Pomelo Processing Virtual Training

The Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) launched its midyear webinar series on “Pagproporoseso ng mga Katutubong Prutas” last July 12, 2021 via Zoom and Facebook Live. The webinar series centered on the utilization and processing of indigenous fruits. To kick off the event, University Researcher Romel M. Felismino gave a virtual training on how to process pomelo fruits and produce pomelo juice and peel candy. Mr. Felismino detailed the handling process for raw material preparation and product processing. He also highlighted the importance of quality control measures to produce a high quality product. This was attended by approximately 150 active participants from various parts of the country. 

The second leg of the webinar series will be on August 2021 with Assistant Professor Reifrey Lascano, who will provide training on batuan processing.