IFST Webinar Series features Batuan Processing

For its second offering, the IFST Midyear Webinar Series featured an online training on Batuan Processing midyear via Zoom and Facebook Live last August 18.

Prof. Reifrey M. Lascano, Assistant Professor, talked about the process of making sweet pickled batuan and batuan sinigang mix. He discussed in detail the raw material preparation, processing, and the quality assurance involved in food production. At the end of the webinar, he also answered the questions from participants. This session was attended by around 100 online participants from all over the Philippines. 

IFST Director, Dr. Lotis E. Mopera, opened the event with her welcome remarks, where she highlighted batuan as an indigenous fruit that can be processed to make it more stable. Meanwhile, Assistant Director Baby Richard R. Navarro delivered the closing remarks.